Treatment at Hudson and Ho Orthodontics
At what age should I schedule an appointment for a free orthodontic screening?
The American Dental Association recommends an orthodontic screening at age 7. By this age, several permanent teeth in most children have erupted, allowing us to effectively evaluate your orthodontic condition. At Hudson and Ho Orthodontics, we try to be as conservative as possible, so treatment isnʼt always necessary at this age. Often times, we will simply set up semi-annual appointments to monitor growth and eruption of teeth so that we can begin treatment at the perfect time.
What will happen at the initial examination appointment?
New patients and families are welcomed and given a tour of the office. At this appointment, you will meet Dr. Hudson and/or Dr. Ho, as well as many other team members. If approriate, we will take a low radiation 3D image to evaluate teeth position, skeletal balance, and size airway for breathing. We will be able to discuss any specific concerns about your smile and give recommendations on what the best treatment options will be.
How many x-rays will I need to start orthodontic treatment?
At our office, we take one low radiation 3D image that has all the information we need to evaluate the face and teeth, as well as the joints and airway for breathing. We strive to use the latest technology so that you can have the best care possible.
How much will braces cost? Are financing options available? How does my insurance work?
We prefer not to discuss the cost for treatment until we have the opportunity for a proper examination. We will cover the exact cost and financial options during the initial visit. We offer many flexible financing options to accommodate your needs. Our team will review your insurance policy thoroughly and help to maximize your benefits and file your claims.
Other orthodontists just put all of the braces on at once, why isnʼt that the case at your office?
We design our treatment to move teeth as efficiently as possible by only placing braces when they are necessary. This allows our patients to brush and floss more easily because patients may only have braces on their front teeth for the first months of treatment. This treatment strategy helps us create beautiful and healthy smiles.
How often will I need to come for appointments?
Appointments are scheduled according to each patient’s needs. Our office uses the latest technologies and materials which allows us to efficiently align teeth with fewer office visits. Most patients in braces or Invisalign will be seen every five to 10 weeks. If there are specific situations that require more frequent monitoring, we will schedule appointments accordingly.
What is early interceptive treatment or phase one treatment?
Treatment when a child still has baby teeth may be recommended if there are any conditions that will negatively affect facial growth, patientʼs airway for breathing, or space available to permanent teeth. The primary objective of this early treatment is to address significant problems to prevent them from becoming more severe and to improve self-esteem and self-image.
Emergency information
What should I do in Case of Emergency?
Call our office as soon as possible if you break or loosen any of your appliances. Please do not come directly to the office – by calling us, you will allow us to create a time to see you. Even if you have a regular appointment scheduled, call us immediately to notify us if you need an appliance repaired.
What should I do if I have loose brackets or bands?
Call our office immediately for advice if a bracket or wire is loosened. The bracket may need to be re-fitted as soon as possible. You may have a situation that requires cutting a wire or sliding a bracket off a wire at night or over the weekend. If you need to cut a wire in case of emergency, you may use fingernail clippers that have been washed and sterilized in alcohol. Please call our office the next business day, so that we may schedule an appointment for you.
What should I do about wire irritations?
Sometimes discomfort caused by a wire on your braces can be resolved by moving the wire away from the irritated area with a cotton swab or eraser. If the wire will not move, try covering the end of it with a small piece of cotton or a small amount of wax. If the wire is painful, you can cut it with nail clippers or scissors that have been washed and sterilized in alcohol. If you cannot resolve the wire irritation, call our office for an appointment.
What should I do about lost separators?
Most patients lose a separator during their treatment. Do not worry about losing a separator, but call our office to see if it needs to be replaced.
Will I have discomfort with orthodontic treatment?
During the first week after your braces are in place and routine adjustments are complete, you will likely feel some pain, soreness or discomfort. You may take acetaminophen or other non-aspirin pain relievers while you adjust to your new braces.
A warm wash cloth or heating pad may reduce the soreness in your jaws.
Are there foods I cannot eat while in braces?
Once treatment begins, we will explain the complete instructions and provide a comprehensive list of foods to avoid. Some of those foods include: ice, hard candy, raw vegetables and all sticky foods (i.e. caramel and taffy). You can avoid most emergency appointments to repair broken or damaged braces by carefully following our instructions.